I started seeing Dr. Caughey six years ago when I started experiencing painful muscle spasms in my neck and jaw joint, with great difficulty opening and closing my mouth.  The pain was so intense there were times I would just sit and cry!  I was started to feel unmotivated to do things I use to enjoy ­– I could not pick up anything over five pounds because it would intensify the spasms.


I was surprised and honored when Dr. Caughey called me personally before my initial appointment. After I told her that my problem started only after some recent dentistry was done, she asked me to bring in an old impression of my teeth. Together, we discovered that the full height of my molar teeth had been altered in the past dentist’s attempt to correct my problem.  The muscle relaxants my general MD prescribed gave me no relief.


Dr. Caughey worked with me over time, and my opinion mattered to her.  She physically rebuilt the height on my teeth, which gave me some relief.  When she incorporated the MLS cold laser into her office, she personally called me – very excited because she thought of me as she bought the laser –  and again, I was SO HONORED to have my needs be top of mind for her. Once she and her staff received training, I went for treatment.


After the treatment, I started feeling the effects the next day.  The muscles in my neck are now spasm free and the difficulty of opening and closing my mouth has been reduced by 90%.  I am now able to start feeling like the old me again.  Something I haven’t felt in six years.


Thank you, Thank you, THANK YOU, DR. CAUGHEY!

– Mary B.

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